Search code examples

Regex - Match multiline blocks of HTML code

I have a problem with my regular expression. I need to match blocks of HTML.

Example-Block here:

<tr class="tr-list " data-id="XX">
    <td class="ip-img"><div class="gun-icon"></div><img src=""/></td>
    <td class="ip-name ip-sort">Hotel Complex Project</td>
    <td class="ip-price ip-sort">297.00</td>
    <td class="ip-earnings ip-sort">43</td>
    <td class="ip-shares ip-sort">86</td>
    <td class="ip-status {'sorter':'currency'}"><img
            src="/img/assets/arrow1.png" title="0.989990234375"/></td>
    <td class="ip-blank-right"></td>

Everyone of these blocks of HTML should match separately which I then want to extract the other data from (eg. ip-name, ip-price, ip-earnings..).

But my current regex matches everything until the "(?=)"-part is not true anymore:

What do I need to change to have every block as a match?

Greetings! :)

PS.: Hope it is understandable what I mean...


  • This should get all the tr rows:

    <tr class="tr-list[\s\S]+?</tr>

    This should get all the tr rows with matching groups for the columns:

    <tr class="tr-list[^<]*?<td class="ip-img">(.*?)</td>\s*<td class="ip-name.*?">(.*?)</td>\s*<td class="ip-price.*?">(.*?)</td>\s*<td class="ip-earnings.*?">(.*?)</td>\s*<td class="ip-shares.*?">(.*?)</td>\s*<td class="ip-status.*?">([\s\S]*?)</td>[\s\S]+?</tr>