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Should I use Nautilus GIR and if so, where is the documentation?

I'm writing a Python3/GObject based application which will use a number of file browser-like widgets. Is the best move to write these from scratch or to use GObject Introspection with Nautilus, and if so where can I find or how can I generate the documentation?

All I have been able to find for Nautilus API docs are extremely old, actually Nautilus-Extension APIs or snippets in others' code.

Edit: it seems as though the GIR bindings for Nautilus are in fact for the extension API and that thorough bindings, like we have with Gtk itself, aren't there.


  • I can't answer the question of whether you should use Nautilus… you might want to ask on the Nautilus mailing list or IRC channel (#nautilus on

    Documentation for GObject Introspection is a work in progress, but you can use g-ir-doc-tool to generate Mallard files, then use yelp to view them (or yelp-build to turn them into HTML). There is some documentation of the process at