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MS Access Caption Assigned Button

I am trying to write a code in the " Code Builder " section of MS Access, that will pull the caption from a button from a record. I have a table named Main Menu that includes fields " RecordID, Caption, and Report to Run. I need this button to assign it's caption based on the caption name in the MainMenu table.

Ex. Button A (Record ID = 1 , Caption = Borrower , Report to Run = rptCurrentBorrowers).

Upon clicking I need for this button's caption to = Borrower, by reading the caption from Button A's Record. I cannot specifically write the caption in the button it needs to be pulled from the MainMenu table.


  • Gord Thompson pointed me in the right location. So after doing a lot of research I was able to discover not only how to implement this type of code, but why it is useful. DLookup simply search a record or query within the database and pull information into its' scripted location dependent upon its criteria. The reason why I would need to implement this for a button caption, is so that my end user has the ability to change the caption of the button from a table, rather than manipulating the actual code. Here is the VBA code that I completed, with working buttons.

    Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
        rptBorrower.Caption = DLookup("Caption", "MainMenu", "ReportID = 1")
        rptMediaList.Caption = DLookup("Caption", "MainMenu", "ReportID = 2")
        rptPastDue.Caption = DLookup("Caption", "MainMenu", "ReportID = 3")
    End Sub
    '' This code defines the Borrower Button
    Private Sub rptBorrower_Click()
        rptBorrower.Caption = DLookup("Caption", "MainMenu", "ReportID = 1")
        Dim varBorrower As Variant
        varBorrower = DLookup("[ReportToRun]", "MainMenu", "[ReportID] = 1")
        DoCmd.OpenReport varBorrower, acViewReport
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    '' This code is defines the Media List Button
    Private Sub rptMediaList_Click()
        rptMediaList.Caption = DLookup("Caption", "MainMenu", "ReportID = 2")
        Dim varMediaList As Variant
        varMediaList = DLookup("[ReportToRun]", "MainMenu", "[ReportID] = 2")
        DoCmd.OpenReport varMediaList, acViewReport
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    '' This code defines the Past Due Report Button
    Private Sub rptPastDue_Click()
        rptPastDue.Caption = DLookup("Caption", "MainMenu", "ReportID = 3")
        Dim varPastDue As Variant
        varPastDue = DLookup("[ReportToRun]", "MainMenu", "[ReportID] = 3")
        DoCmd.OpenReport varPastDue, acViewReport
        Exit Sub
    End Sub