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Whats the difference between subClass sc = new subClass() and superClass sc = new subClass?

class superClass {}

class subClass extends superClass{}

public class test

    public static void main()


    superClass sc1 = new subClass();
    subClass sc2 = new subClass();
    //whats the difference between the two objects created using the above code?



  • Simple explanation : When you use

    SuperClass obj = new SubClass();

    Only public methods that are defined in SuperClass are accessible. Methods defined in SubClass are not.

    When you use

    SubClass obj = new SubClass(); 

    public methods defined in SubClass are also accessible along with the SuperClass public methods.

    Object created in both cases is the same.


    public class SuperClass {
      public void method1(){
    public class SubClass extends SuperClass {
      public void method2()
    SubClass sub = new SubClass();
    sub.method1();  //Valid through inheritance from SuperClass
    sub.method2();  // Valid
    SuperClass superClass = new SubClass();
    superClass.method2(); // Compilation Error since Reference is of SuperClass so only SuperClass methods are accessible.