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Protect files on s3, only download file from link in app

In my app, PDFs are generated with wicked_pdf and uploaded to Amazon S3 with the fog gem.

It works!

My current setup is to put the files in a folder generated by SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(40). Hard to guess. Security through obscurity. I then save the public_url in the database.

However, I would like to protect the files so that they can only be downloaded from links in the app. How can this be done?


  • Set Fog public credential to false, if you are using carrier wave then it's easy @report.report_attachment.url one more way is

    create controller action like this

    def download_report
        @report = Report.find(params[:id])
        # url to access private files on S3 expire in 10 sec
        redirect_to @report.report_attachment.expiring_url(10)