I want to try this middleware in a Django project I'm working on: https://github.com/directeur/django-pdf. It goes by the name "django-pdf", but is not the same as https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-pdf/1.0.2. Unfortunately, the Directeur django-pdf is also not trivially eggifiable: It doesn't have a setup.py or requirements.txt.
Is there some buildout recipe or way to install the package into the django path, or am I forced to fork the repo and add a setup.py?
Here's my current development buildout.cfg:
parts =
show-picked-versions = true
develop = .
eggs = django-core7
versions = versions
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
interpreter = python
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
recipe = djangorecipe
project = core7
projectegg = core7
settings = development
test = core7
eggs =
extra-paths = ${buildout:sources-dir}
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs =
# Make this a separate part so it doesn't get included in Django's path.
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = pyflakes
django = 1.5
From what I understand, buidout heavily depends on setuptools (or at lease a setup.py). Without this, buildout cannot produce a distribution (an egg). Luckily GitHub lets you easily fork a repository so you can add a setup.py. ;-) You might want to consider supplying a patch.
Since there is no recipe (to my knowledge) that lets you add projects without a setup.py. Such a project sounds like an anti-pattern since this would break the 'contract' of a project requiring a setup.py.
The first option seems like the better one. When your project is on GitHub you can use mr.develop to pull in your dependency.