I have two input arrays X and Y. I want to return that element of array X which occurs with highest frequency in array Y.
The naive way of doing this requires that for each element x of array X, I linearly search array Y for its number of occurrences and then return that element x which has highest frequency. Here is the pseudo algorithm:
max_frequency = 0
max_x = -1 // -1 indicates no element found
For each x in X
frequency = 0
For each y in Y
if y == x
End For
If frequency > max_frequency
max_frequency = frequency
max_x = x
End If
End For
return max_x
As there are two nested loops, time complexity for this algorithm would be O(n^2). Can I do this in O(nlogn) or faster ?
Use a hash table mapping keys to counts. For each element in the array, do like counts[element] = counts[element] + 1
or your language's equivalent.
At the end, loop through the mappings in the hash table and find the max.