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error: compareTo(Object) in Car cannot implement compareTo(T) in Comparable

public int compareTo(Object another) throws CustomMadeException
    if(this.getClass() != another.getClass() )
        throw new CustomMadeException();

    Car other = (Car) another;

    return this.getBrand().compareTo(other.getBrand());


I don't understand what's wrong exactly with my code. Why can't it implement T in comparable? Do I have to change the argument of compareTo to T? But shouldn't it be Object? As far as I know, the implementation of compareTo in the interface comparable is blank.


  • The canonical way to do this is as follows:

    public class Car implements Comparable<Car> {
        public int compareTo(Car other)
            return this.getBrand().compareTo(other.getBrand());

    Note that your implementation of compareTo() can't throw any checked exceptions, since none are permitted by the Comparable<T>.compareTo()'s throws specification.