I am using EJB3 on Glassfish using the default TopLink persistance manager. Within a Session Bean, when the persistence manager catches a DB exception, it marks the transaction to be rolled back, and throws an EJBException, in turn wrapping a RollbackException. Now I was expecting to be able to get the original jdbc exception out of the caused by exception of one of these exceptions, but it is not.
It is important that I do retrieve the original exception, as I need to report back to the users what the problem is, and to do this I need to analyse the SQL error codes.
Does anyone know if it is possible to get this information from Toplink? Or whether Hibernate makes it possible?
The only way I've found to do what I want, is to force the manager to write to the db using manager.flush(), and then catch the PersistenceException that that throws. I can then log the database error as I want, and throw an EJBException to force rollback. Leaving the container to do the flush seems to irretrievably lose any useful messages with TopLink.