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Possible to change format of NHibernate formulates bind variables?

I am working on a legacy SQLBase database and am trying to set up a new project with NHibernate.

A big problem is the format SQLBase expects the bind variables in the SQL to be. The format has to be explicitly

INSERT INTO ... VALUES (:1,:2,:3); 

Now NHibernate uses a ":p0,:p1,..." format for bind variables which gives a "invalid program bind variable" SQL exception in SQLBase.

The problem is the "p" before the number, and also that the parameters start at 0 - SQLBase must have parameters starting with 1.

Is there any way I can configure/change NHibernate to drop the "p" in the bind variables, and also start with 1 instead of 0? I was able to change the format of the parameters for INSERTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs with sql-insert, sql-update and sql-delete mappings in my class mappings, but the only way I found to change the SELECT parameters was to write lots of named queries into my mappings.

Obviously this isn't the preferred way. Is there any better way to change how the bind variables are generated? I already made my own Driver (inherited from OleDbDriver) and Dialect (from GenericDialect) and changed a few things to make SQLBase work int the first place.

I also tried setting

private static string ToParameterName(int index)
  return "p" + index;

to return String.Empty, but to no avail. But even if that'd remove the "p" prefix from the parameters I'd still have the problem of them starting at 0 instead of 1.

Any chance to change this behaviour or NHibernate?

EDIT: I now also tried changing a few other parameter functions:

string ISqlParameterFormatter.GetParameterName(int index)
            int ret = index + 1;
            return (NamedPrefix + ret);

        private void SetCommandParameters(IDbCommand cmd, SqlType[] sqlTypes)
            for (int i = 0; i < sqlTypes.Length; i++)
                int ret = i + 1;
                string paramName = ret.ToString();
                IDbDataParameter dbParam = GenerateParameter(cmd, paramName, sqlTypes[i]);

        protected override void InitializeParameter(IDbDataParameter dbParam, string name, SqlType sqlType)
            if (sqlType == null)
                throw new QueryException(String.Format("No type assigned to parameter '{0}'", name));
            name = name.Remove(0, 1);
            dbParam.ParameterName = (Int32.Parse(name) + 1).ToString();
            dbParam.DbType = sqlType.DbType;

With these changes the SQL parameters are ":1, :2" and so on, but it also broke the bindings - now the parameters aren't appended to the queries at all :(

Edit2: Here's the complete driver and dialect code:

namespace NHSQLBase
    public class SQLBaseDriver : OleDbDriver, ISqlParameterFormatter
        public override bool UseNamedPrefixInSql
                return true;

        public override bool UseNamedPrefixInParameter
                return false;

        public override string NamedPrefix
                return ":";

        private static string ToParameterName(int index)
            return (index + 1).ToString();

        string ISqlParameterFormatter.GetParameterName(int index)
            int ret = index + 1;
            return (NamedPrefix + ret);

        private void SetCommandParameters(IDbCommand cmd, SqlType[] sqlTypes)
            for (int i = 0; i < sqlTypes.Length; i++)
                int ret = i + 1;
                string paramName = ret.ToString();
                IDbDataParameter dbParam = GenerateParameter(cmd, paramName, sqlTypes[i]);

        protected override void InitializeParameter(IDbDataParameter dbParam, string name, SqlType sqlType)
            if (sqlType == null)
                throw new QueryException(String.Format("No type assigned to parameter '{0}'", name));
            name = name.Remove(0, 1);
            dbParam.ParameterName = (Int32.Parse(name) + 1).ToString();
            dbParam.DbType = sqlType.DbType;

    public class SQLBaseDialect : GenericDialect
        public override string ForUpdateString
                return " ";

        public override bool ForUpdateOfColumns
                return true;

        public override string GetForUpdateString(string aliases)
            return " for update of " + aliases;

        public override bool SupportsOuterJoinForUpdate
                return false;

        public override bool SupportsParametersInInsertSelect
                return false;


  • After a bit of trial and error and think I have found the root of your issue. The main issue seems to be caused by SQLBaseDriver inheriting from OleDbDriver. Once this was changed this to ReflectionBasedDriver and the constructor was correctly populated I was able to perform inserts with no problems.

    Please see below for working version of both driver and dialect.

    One thing to note, the .Net data provider dll for SQLBase, Gupta.SQLBase.Data.dll, has to be in the same folder as the NHibernate.dll for this to work.

    public class SQLBaseDriver : NHibernate.Driver.ReflectionBasedDriver
        public SQLBaseDriver()
            : base("Gupta.SQLBase.Data",
        public override bool UseNamedPrefixInSql
            get { return true; }
        public override bool UseNamedPrefixInParameter
            get { return false; }
        public override string NamedPrefix
            get { return ":"; }

    Dialect code:

    public class SQLBaseDialect : GenericDialect
        public override string ForUpdateString
            get { return " "; }
        public override bool ForUpdateOfColumns
            get { return true; }
        public override string GetForUpdateString(string aliases)
            return " for update of " + aliases;
        public override bool SupportsOuterJoinForUpdate
            get { return false; }
        public override bool SupportsParametersInInsertSelect
            get { return false; }