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Vhdl Type mismatch error

I am having a type mismatch error, but all values are of same type std_logic. Here is the code

Nx, Ny - generics

ipx - an input port vector

tempx, tempz - signals

ipx : in std_logic_vector(Nx-1 downto 0);
signal tempx : std_logic_vector(Ny-1 downto 0) := ipx(Nx-1 downto Nx-Ny); (Signal initialisation)
signal tempz : std_logic_vector(Ny-1 downto 0);
tempx <= (Ny-1 downto 1 => tempz(Ny-2 downto 0), 0 => ipx(a-1));

error : Error (10381): VHDL Type Mismatch error at ArrayDivider.vhd(53): indexed name returns a value whose type does not match "std_ulogic", the type of the target expression (Error on last code line of tempx)

But ipx and tempz both are std_logic vectors so, where is the type mismatch here???? Please give me some solution

I have tried on using the concatenate operator & also but it gives me another error related to top level hierarchy and 'can't resolve multiple constant drivers of tempx[0]' !!!!!!


  • The error message tells you exactly what the problem is:

    error : Error (10381): VHDL Type Mismatch error at ArrayDivider.vhd(53): indexed name returns a value whose type does not match "std_ulogic", the type of the target expression

    And indeed, tempz(Ny-2 downto 0) is not a std_ulogic but a vector.

    The problem is that named association does not identify slices of a vector but individual elements; you can't use it to assign one slice of one vector to a slice of another vector.

    Instead, use the concatenation operator &,

    tempx <= tempz(Ny-2 downto 0) & ipx(a-1);

    Your post implies that concatenation produces other errors; feel free to add these to the question.

    EDIT :

    >Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net 
    >"tempx[0]" at ArrayDivider.vhd(44) (on the line of initialing >tempx) 

    Again this tells you what is wrong. This error is almost certainly there in both versions of the design, but the original error just hides it. Find the two drivers for tempx(0) and eliminate whichever is the wrong one. You haven't posted enough of your code to make it clear what's going on so that is up to you. If you're using Modelsim, the "drivers" command will identify all the drivers on a signal.

    If you need to initialise tempx to the input signal and then later drive it with another signal, you must select between the two signals - for example:

    tempx <= ipx(Nx-1 downto Nx-Ny) when <some condition>
             else tempz(Ny-2 downto 0) & ipx(a-1);

    Most likely, fixing this error will also eliminate the "hierarchy" error; which is basically "something went wrong earlier so compilation cannot be completed".