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How to set segment to view in codeigniter after form validation?

I am validating a form on many view that are generated by the third URL segment.

The URL: (The 12 will change based on item)

Both my functions are below, my question is, when the validation fails how to I refresh the page with the 3rd segment and show the validation errors?

P.S: I have already tried redirect() but the validation errors don't remain.

Thank You.

This is the "item" function

    public function item()

    if ($this->session->userdata('is_logged_in'))
        $id = $this->uri->segment(3);

        if ($data['things']= $this->listings_model->get_item($id))

This is my validations

    public function get_email()


        $this->form_validation->set_rules('captcha', 'Captcha', 'required|trim|callback_check_captcha' );

        if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)

            if ($this->listings_model->update_listing())
                echo "Good";



  • You can use the following code to redirect to your page when error occurs. you can put it in your controller when error occurs.

    redirect('listings/item/12/error_message_goes_here', 'location');

    And in your view check weather the fourth parameter exists. if the fourth exists then show the error


    So you the point is: you redirect and in your redirect you pass the error message, then in view if error message exists you display it.