Does anyone know of online course / university lectures that comprise a typical compiler course? I've had theory of computing but unfortunately my school didn't offer a course in compiler construction.
I know there are lectures out there; I was hoping for recommendations for particularly good offerings.
Also, are there books for newbies to the field? Something besides the dragon book, at least. Beginners level is fine, I know there are a lot of intermediate-advanced texts on the market.
Edit: in case this SO questions doesn't get closed, do check this duplicate SO posting which answers the question in a much more exhaustive fashion.
A couple of ressources on MIT's OpenCourseWare site:
6.035 Computer Language Engineering
6.827 Multithreaded Parallelism: Languages and Compilers
The former probably along the lines of what you had in mind. It also includes some of the lectures' videos.
The latter... positively a graduate level course. Also focus is more on multi-threading than the traditional compiling chain. (But then again to to chunk code threads efficiently one must have a decent grasp of the semantics expressed in the original program...)