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How to put a wordcloud in a grob?

I've created a simple wordcloud:

words <- c('affectionate', 'ambitious', 'anxious', 'articulate', 'artistic', 'caring', 'contented', 'creative', 'cynical', 'daring', 'dependable', 'easygoing', 'energetic', 'funny', 'generous', 'genuine', 'goodlistener', 'goodtalker', 'happy', 'hardworking', 'humerous', 'impulsive', 'intelligent', 'kind', 'loyal', 'modest', 'optimistic', 'outgoing', 'outrageous', 'passionate', 'perceptive', 'physicallyfit', 'quiet', 'rational', 'respectful', 'romantic', 'shy', 'spiritual', 'spontaneous', 'sweet', 'thoughtful', 'warm')
freqs <- c(134, 53, 0, 5, 0, 247, 0, 78, 0, 0, 134, 178, 79, 344, 63, 65, 257, 0, 109, 113, 0, 0, 107, 51, 199, 24, 67, 232, 0, 109, 24, 28, 29, 2, 105, 70, 0, 35, 64, 156, 66, 45)
wordcloud(words, freqs)

I would like to put this into a "grob" so that I can arrange it with several other plots using grid.arrange() in the gridExtra package:

p1 <- qplot(1:10, rnorm(10), colour = runif(10))
grid.arrange(p1, my.wordcloud)

I understand that my wordcloud must be a "grob" to do this, but I don't understand how to make this so. I tried using the grob() function in the gridExtra package, but this didn't work. Suggestions?


  • It shouldn't be that difficult to adapt the code in wordcloud to construct the data need to fill in a text.grob in grid. The wordcloud code sends x, y, text and rot values to the base text function after a window with limits of 0,0 and 1, 1 is specified.

    I needed to add this before the for-loop:

    textmat <- data.frame(x1=rep(NA, length(words)), y1=NA, words=NA_character_, 
                           rotWord=NA, cexw=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE )

    This at the end of the for-loop:

     textmat[i, c(1,2,4,5) ] <-  c(x1=x1, y1=y1, rotWord=rotWord*90, cexw = size[i] )
     textmat[i, 3] <- words[i]

    And needed to amend the call to .overlap, because it is apparently not exported:

    if (!use.r.layout) 
             return(wordcloud:::.overlap(x1, y1, sw1, sh1, boxes))

    And I returned it invisibly after the loop was complete:

    return(invisible(textmat[-1, ]))  # to get rid of the NA row at the beginning

    After naming it wordcloud2:

    > tmat <- wordcloud2(c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9), seq(1, 1000, len = 62))
    > str(tmat)
    'data.frame':   61 obs. of  5 variables:
     $ x1     : num  0.493 0.531 0.538 0.487 ...
     $ y1     : num  0.497 0.479 0.532 0.475 ...
     $ words  : chr  "b" "O" "M" ...
     $ rotWord: num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
     $ cexw   : num  0.561 2.796 2.682 1.421 ...
    draw.text <- function(x,y,words,rotW,cexw) {
         grid.text(words, x=x,y=y, rot=rotW, gp=gpar( fontsize=9*cexw)) }
    for(i in 1:nrow(tmat) ) { draw.text(x=tmat[i,"x1"], y=tmat[i,"y1"], 
                                        words=tmat[i,"words"], rot=tmat[i,"rotWord"], 
                                        cexw=tmat[i,"cexw"]) }

    As suggested:

     with(tmat, grid.text(x=x1, y=y1, label=words, rot=rotWord, 
                          gp=gpar( fontsize=9*cexw)) }  # untested