I am trying to develop an iPhone app (with map routing function), and I need everyone's suggestions (guidance).
Below are a few specs:
I did some research, using Map on iPhone is easy using MapKit (and it's available after iOS 3.0). I followed this tutorial, and everything seems easy. However, if I want to draw routes on my map, I will need routes data in a CSV format. However, I do not have those data (yes! I suck).
And prior to iOS 5.1, MapKit use Google Maps, and I read somewhere that in Google Map's term and condition of use, it prohibit people from drawing on the Map (correct me if I am wrong).
In order to retrieve route data, I would imagine that I will have to get it through Google or Apple (I don't know if it's possible). I'm just wondering if Apple Map or Google Map have API to retrieve these?
If not, an alternative I came up with is to use a webview, and display my Map routes on Google Map. I'm just wondering if Google Map API will allow me to insert multiple locations and display all the routes?
I really need some suggestions... I am getting buried in all these problems.... thank you
Follow this sample - MKOverlay is the way to go. One more example is here.