I'm using PHP to parse an e-mail and want to get the number after a specific string.
For example, I would want to get the number 033 from a string that looks like:
Account Number: 033
Account Information: Some text here
The content is actually HTML, so the input string is more accurately presented as:
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000099"><strong><font color="#660000">Account Number</font></strong><font color="#660000">: 033<br><strong>Account Name</strong>: More text here<br>
There is always the word Account Number:
and then the number and then a line break. I have:
preg_match_all('!\d+!', $str, $matches);
But that just gets all the numbers.
If the number is always after Account Number:
(including that space at the end), then just add that to your regex:
preg_match_all('/Account Number: (\d+)/',$str,$matches);
// The parentheses capture the digits and stores them in $matches[1]
$matches Array:
[0] => Array
[0] => Account Number: 033
[1] => Array
[0] => 033
Note: If there is HTML present, then that can be included in the regex as well as long as you don't believe the HTML is subject to change. Otherwise, I suggest using an HTML DOM Parser to get to the plain-text version of your string and using a regex from there.
With that said, the following is an example that includes the HTML in the regex and provides the same output as above:
// Notice the delimiter
preg_match_all('@<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000099"><strong><font color="#660000">Account
Number</font></strong><font color="#660000">: (\d+)@',$str,$matches);