I'm unable to figure out how to implement a join in this code. Also a second issue is that I want to use 'Charity No: '.$don['charity_id'].'<br/>'.
in the mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM charity where id='?????????'")
What the code does now is it retrieves all this data which is fine, but I want charity_id[FK](which is in the donation table) as charityname(from the charity table) instead, and im sure this is done using a join but can't figure out how to do this in my code. The second issue is that I want to create a rating system that rates the charity (based on the charity number) the data is literraly a few lines above but I can't figure this out either.
My code is:
if (!isset($_POST['do']) || !isset($_POST['id']) || !$_POST['id'])
require_once 'connection.php';
mysql_query('SELECT *
FROM donation
WHERE id="'.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['id'],$con).'"',$con));
if ($don===false || !$don['id'])
print '<h3>Donation id #'.$_POST['id'].' does not exist!</h3>';
else {
print '<h3>Information about donation id #'.$_POST['id'].'</h3>'.
'Donor ID: '.$don['donor_id'].'<br/>'.
'Charity No: '.$don['charity_id'].'<br/>'.
'Date & Time: '.$don['TransactionTime'].'<br/>'.
'Donation Amount: £ '.number_format($don['D_Amount'],2).'<br/>'.
$find_data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM charity where id='?????????'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($find_data))
$id = $row['id'];
$C_Name = $row['CharityName'];
$C_Desc = $row['CharityDescription'];
$Hits = $row['Hits'];
$Ranking = $row['Ranking'];
echo "
<form action='rate.php' method='POST'>
$C_Name: <select name='Ranking'>
<input type='hidden' value=$id name='ID'>
<input type='submit' value='Rate'>;
The JOIN I tried now is:
mysql_query('SELECT *
FROM donation As D JOIN charity as C ON d.charity_id=C.id
WHERE id="'.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['id'],$con).'"',$con));
But now luck.
Any help given would be highly appreciated, Thanks.
Here's the JOIN
SELECT charity.*, donation.*
FROM charity
JOIN donation
ON charity.id = donation.charity_id;
This statement selects all donations. charities without donations are not shown.
And here's a live-demo for you: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/be925/2
Please rephrase and specify the second question, I didn't understand what you want.