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Unique Links with revisions in SVN

We have a scenario where we are advised to create a new SVN tag for every change request (which will be one every two weeks as it's an agile project) and link it to Clear Quest, so that in future for auditing purposes, one can look at the ticket, click on the tag URL and see what has been changed in browser window (our SVN server is hosted on VisualSVN).

Wouldn't it be a maintenance nightmare? In a six months span we'll be looking at 12 tags and could quickly grow more in case of emergency releases)

I would like to know the best approach to this issue. The issue again is:

Provide SVN Change Set in Clear Quest as a link without having to create a zillion tags.

Is it possible to create links with revisions on trunk so that one can click on it and directly view the change set in browser?

Thanks for looking into this.


  • First of all it sounds like what you really want to do is have some sort of integration between your issue tracker and SVN. How you go about doing that depends on your issue tracker which based on your tags I'm guessing is jira.

    Here's some info on how to integrate JIRA with SVN:

    Generally how such integrations work is you include something in the commit message mentioning the issue you're addressing. Another alternative is revision properties, but that's probably a little more tedious.

    Outside of that to answer your original question. You may want something like viewvc:

    Which gives you a nice web interface. For example at the ASF we have URLs like this that redirect to the viewvc view of the commit:

    Which we can then embed in emails, issue trackers, etc...