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Add GoLang syntax highlighting for VIM

I'm trying to add Go language syntax highlighting to VIM on ubuntu with resources and direction supplied here

Go comes with a go.vim file that contains syntax settings for VIM and the above page offers the following instructions

Place $GOROOT/misc/vim/syntax/go.vim in ~/.vim/syntax/ and put the following in ~/.vim/ftdetect/go.vim:

au BufRead,BufNewFile *.go set filetype=go 

This is more or less the same vein of procedure for customizing vim syntax I've seen elsewhere (Vim 7.3 on Ubuntu 12.10 doesn't have 'ftplugin' directory anywhere and

So I think I'm doing the right thing when I create directories:

and follow the above instructions by adding

go.vim to ~/.vim/syntax/ and creating a file, go.vim, in ~/.vim/ftdetect/ which contains

au BufRead,BufNewFile *.go set filetype=go

Yet syntax highlighting does not seem to occur. Is there something I need to do to force VIM to look at these new settings files?


  • you can just add these lines to your ~/.vimrc:

    set rtp+=$GOROOT/misc/vim
    filetype plugin indent on
    syntax on

    EDIT This assumes filetype plugin indent off before these lines (i.e. beginning of .vimrc file) and may cause problems if it's not. See @peterSO's answer below for the safer version.