I want to add some custom methods to the delayed jobs model.
I want to have some extra such as...
def status
return "errored" unless self.last_error.blank?
return "waiting" if self.locked_at.blank?
return "running" unless self.locked_at.blank?
return "blerg" if some.other.things...
...on the the delayed job class.
I was just wondering how I extend it in such a way.
Is the class Delayed::Job
? You can add methods to classes in a few ways in ruby, but probably the easiest way is:
class Delayed::Job
def status
return "errored" unless self.last_error.blank?
return "waiting" if self.locked_at.blank?
return "running" unless self.locked_at.blank?
return "blerg" if some.other.things...
Although this might look like it overwrites the class, it actually just adds the method if the class is already loaded..