I have a python script A and a python script B.
Both of them are running independently. I want, as soon as script B finishes execution, it should send a message to script A, "B Done".
A simple message could have been sent by sockets et al. However, script A is doing some work of its own. How do I make A listen for B without halting the execution of A?
Any help is much appreciated!
B is entirely CPU bound - calculations. A is a mix of I/O bound and CPU-bound. The user is intervening at irregular intervals with inputs (keylogger like setup) where I/O is obviously the keystrokes, and CPU bound task is some calculations being performed on the entered key.
There are many solutions to this area of problem.
You might want to checkout ZMQ which makes it easy to create a messaging pattern between applications.
The message channel would run in its own thread, which might be a "green" thread to avoid unnecessary overhead if used together with gevent.
A few examples combining gevent and zmq: https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq/tree/master/examples/gevent
A great guide for different messaging patterns: ZMQ Guide
Use these libraries to create a channel between A and B which continuously polls for new work and reports the results back.
Some other solutions exist where you have a broker in between A and B, but setting up the link between the nodes directly would probably be more suitable for an interactive-ish application like the one you are describing.