If there is already a post for this, I'm sorry but I could not find it.
I have the following form (sample):
<mx:Label x="105.5" y="0" text="Cadastramento Basico" fontSize="22"/>
<mx:Text x="140" y="42" text="Nome:"/>
<mx:TextInput x="176" y="40" id="nome"/>
<mx:Text x="138" y="74" text="E-mail:"/>
<mx:TextInput x="177" y="72" id="email"/>
<mx:Text x="125" y="105" text="Telefone:"/>
<mx:TextInput x="177" y="103" restrict="012456789" id="telefone"/>
And I need to read each element in ActionScript to clean up every one after a user has clicked on a submit button. In jQuery we have the function elements.each()
, I just need something like this.
How can I do this please?
Please make sure you read the documentation before asking questions:
You should wrap your form into a <mx:Form>
<mx:Form id="myForm" label="Cadastramento Basico">
<mx:FormItem label="Nome:" >
<<mx:TextInput id="nome"/>
<mx:FormItem label="E-mail:" >
<<mx:TextInput id="mail"/>
<mx:FormItem label="Telefone:" >
<<mx:TextInput id="telefone" restrict="012456789"/>
Then do it manually by running through all items of the form and check if they have the proper type and a valid property to be reset (add them to the code below if necessary).
private function clearForm():void
for each(var o:* in loginForm.getChildren() ){
if(o is FormItem){
var item:FormItem = o as FormItem;
for each(var o2:Object in item.getChildren()){
if(o2.hasOwnProperty("text")) {
o2.text = "";