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MonoTouch: Build iOS app with mdtool from command line: Multiple provisioning profiles

I want to build my ios-apps Appstore-ready directly from the command line with the mdtool from MonoTouch (Xamarin).

I use the following command:

'/Applications/Xamarin' -v build '--configuration:AppStore|iPhone' MyAppProject.csproj

Now, in xCode, I have several provisioning profiles set up and mdtool seems to be confused which one to use:

enter image description here

Any chance to tell the mdtool the desired provisioning profile I want to use for that build?


  • In Xamarin Studio, go to the "iOS Bundle Signing" section of your Project Options. That's where you can specify the Provisioning Profile and Code-sign keys for each build configuration.

    Right now, you probably have it set to "Automatic" and so it doesn't know which one to choose because you have multiple provisions that match the CFBundleIdentifier value from your Info.plist