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GhostScript PDF/A conformance

There seems to be an error in the GhostScript PDF/A generation.

When you generate a PDF/A document via GhostScript, when you click on Adobe Reader, there is a Conformance tab which displays:

"Conformance: Standard: PDF/A-1B ISO Name: ISO 19005-1 Status: not yet verified"

It is a hit and miss affair. When you generate the same PDF file via command-line, it also gives:

"The PDF you are currently viewing does not identify itself as compliant with any standard" sometimes

I used command-line:

gswin32c -dPDFX -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOOUTERSAVE -dUseCIEColor -sProcessColorModel=DeviceCMYK -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFACompatibilityPolicy0 -sOutputFile=resu.tpdf

Any ideas how to make it always show the conformance message instead of non-conformance?


  • This is a confusing "feature" of Adobe Reader X (and perhaps earlier versions). "Status: not yet verified" makes it sound like Reader could verify PDF/A conformance. However, to verify conformance using an Adobe product, you need Acrobat Pro:

    The Standards panel is present in all versions (Std, Pro and even Reader). However, Verify Compliance functionality is only present in Acrobat Pro.


    So the presence of "not yet verified" in Reader does NOT mean that the PDF/A is not correct.

    I don't have Acrobat Pro. It would be interesting to know if, once verified by Acrobat Pro, a document opened in Reader would show as Verified.