When a div inside a table is clicked stoppropagation does not trigger until after click bubbles to tr. How do I stop bubbling out of the div?
http://jsfiddle.net/tcbnW/ dictates my issue
div clicked! → tr clicked! → STOP triggered
I need
div clicked! → STOP triggered
html code below
<tr onclick="$('#INFO').append('tr clicked!<BR>');">
<div onclick="$('#INFO').append('div clicked!<BR>');" style="font-weight:bold;" class="STOP">test div</div>
<div id="INFO" style="border:1px solid #F00;"></div>
$('#INFO').append('STOP triggered<BR>');
using jquery 1.9
try to remove the onclick event from the div. Basically you are having 2 listeners for the same event one is embedded within the onclick and the second one is $(document).on
Take a look at this: [a link] http://jsfiddle.net/tcbnW/1/ . This is one addition
I think this should work.