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bugzilla installation error :"InnoDB is disabled your MySQL installation. Bugzilla requires InnoDb to be enabled." even if innodb is enabled

i have installed bugzilla4.2.5 in my windows7 machine. When i am ruuning the script of bugzilla , it showing that

Use of uninitialized value $innodb_on in string ne at Bugzilla/DB/ line no 330."InnoDB is disabled your MySQL installation. Bugzilla requires InnoDb to be enabled. Please enable it and then".

the code segement indicated by the line no in the is the following

 my ($innodb_on) = @{$self->selectcol_arrayref(
    q{SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%have_innodb%'}, {Columns=>[2]})};
if ($innodb_on ne 'YES') {
    die install_string('mysql_innodb_disabled');

My Mysql installed version is 5.6.4-m7 . And i have found out that command SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%have_innodb% returns an empty set. But SHOW ENGINES shwing the innodb and it is enabled and set as default.

I suppose the bugzilla showing error because SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%have_innodb% returns empty set inside the code in file also. this link showing that "have_innodb" variable is removed from MySQL 5.6.1. Does that mean that i need to install an older version of mysql that contain the "have_innodb" variable? Please help me to solve the problem in the bugzilla installation.


  • I finally fixed the problem. There are two options for solve this issue: One is install a lower version of MySQL than MySQL5.6 or Change the Bugzilla source code. In the, instead of using the command SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%have_innodb%' use the SHOW ENGINES to check if innodb is enabled and set the the value to $innodb_on variable.