i have installed bugzilla4.2.5 in my windows7 machine. When i am ruuning the checksetup.pl script of bugzilla , it showing that
Use of uninitialized value $innodb_on in string ne at Bugzilla/DB/Mysql.pm line no 330."InnoDB is disabled your MySQL installation. Bugzilla requires InnoDb to be enabled. Please enable it and then re-runchecksetup.pl".
the code segement indicated by the line no in the Mysql.pm is the following
my ($innodb_on) = @{$self->selectcol_arrayref(
q{SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%have_innodb%'}, {Columns=>[2]})};
if ($innodb_on ne 'YES') {
die install_string('mysql_innodb_disabled');
My Mysql installed version is 5.6.4-m7 . And i have found out that command SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%have_innodb%
returns an empty set. But SHOW ENGINES
shwing the innodb and it is enabled and set as default.
I suppose the bugzilla showing error because SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%have_innodb%
returns empty set inside the code in Mysql.pm file also.
http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=63383 this link showing that "have_innodb" variable is removed from MySQL 5.6.1. Does that mean that i need to install an older version of mysql that contain the "have_innodb" variable? Please help me to solve the problem in the bugzilla installation.
I finally fixed the problem. There are two options for solve this issue: One is install a lower version of MySQL than MySQL5.6 or Change the Bugzilla source code. In the Mysql.pm, instead of using the command SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%have_innodb%' use the SHOW ENGINES to check if innodb is enabled and set the the value to $innodb_on variable.