Search code examples

How can I apply mathematical function to MySQL query?

I've got the following query to determine how many votes a story has received:

SELECT s_id, s_title, s_time, (s_time-now()) AS s_timediff, 

 (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM s_ups WHERE stories.q_id=s_ups.s_id) -
 (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM s_downs WHERE stories.s_id=s_downs.s_id)
) AS votes

FROM stories

I'd like to apply the following mathematical function to it for upcoming stories (I think it's what reddit uses) -

I can perform the function on the application side (which I'm doing now), but I can't sort it by the ranking which the function provides.

Any advise?


  • Try this:

        SELECT s_id, s_title, log10(Z) + (Y * s_timediff)/45000 AS redditfunction 
        FROM (
        SELECT stories.s_id, stories.s_title, stories.s_time, 
        stories.s_time - now() AS s_timediff, 
        count(s_ups.s_id) - count(s_downs.s_id) as X, 
        if(X>0,1,if(x<0,-1,0)) as Y, 
        if(abs(x)>=1,abs(x),1) as Z
        FROM stories 
        LEFT JOIN s_ups ON stories.q_id=s_ups.s_id
        LEFT JOIN s_downs ON stories.s_id=s_downs.s_id
        GROUP BY stories.s_id
        ) as derived_table1

    You might need to check this statement if it works with your datasets.