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Where should I put the cab file needed to show Compact Framework error messages?

I got this err msg:

Exception: An error message is available for this exception but cannot be displayed because these messages are optional and are not currently insalled on this devcice. Please install '' for Windows Mobile 5.0 and above or '' for other platforms. Restart the application to see the message.

I searched my HD in vain for that file, binged it (bang it?), and was able to find it here:

But where on my device do I need to install it for it to be found? On the root, or in the folder where the app lives? Do I just copy it over, or is there something else involved?


This: says "The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v3.5\WindowsCE\Diagnostics." but my device has no such path. The closest I can find are:

Computer\DuckbilledPlatypus's Device 2\\\Windows\SQLCE 2.0


Computer\DuckbilledPlatypus's Device 2\\\Windows\NETCFKeys


I copied the cab (maybe I should call it a deathcab, although I wouldn't call myself a cutie) onto the "root" of the device and into the folder where the app lives, but I still get the same err msg about not being able to display the err msg. IOW: Help!


Even after trying the fix here: (changing the name of one of the files inside the deathcab) I get the same old long-donkey err msg that is probably much longer than the one that is being suppressed.


Reading the fix at a little more carefully, I see that somebody said they had to add System.SR.dll as a project reference. When I try that, I get, "A reference to '\System.SR.dll' could not be added. This is not a .NET assembly.



By "run it" I assume ctacke meant 2-click it (the cab file). What that does is bring up the files contained in the cab: _setup.xml as well as four very funkily named files. 2-clicking _setup.xml invoked a warning msg about a potentially harmful (xml) file, but I boldly went ahead (hey, it's not my computer). It seemed to do something (no confirmation message, though). The XML that opened when 2-clicking _setup.xml indicated one of the funkily-named files would be renamed to System.SR.dll (the person/people who did that manually must have experienced had some failure event). Attempting again to add System.SR.dll as a reference to my project seemed to work (at least there was no err msg; and System.SR.dll is much smaller than the renamed funkily-named file). HOWEVER, I still get the same dad-blasted non-err msg when I run my app! What's the use of jumping through that hoop if there's fire on the other side, too?

I did just notice, though, that the non-err msg has this emblazoned across its title bar: System.InvalidOperatio..." I don't recall seeing that there before; that is to say, I didn't notice it. Still, without seeing the rest of the msg, I'm still pretty much in the epitome of opaqueness.


Aha! Finally got it to work: Not only did I have to add it as a reference to my project (actually, perhaps that's not necessary), I had to copy the new slimmer version of (91KB compared to 338) onto the handheld device, both at the "root" and in the folder where the app lives. I don't know which of the two are necessary, and don't really care.


    1. Clay should have this, but for completeness sake, install on your developer computer Windows Mobile 6 SDK and 6.5.
    2. On your computer go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v3.5\WindowsCE\Diagnostics (i.e. where you installed the SDK) (remove the (x86) for 32 bit only machines)
    3. Copy to your handheld
    4. On the handheld click the CAB and the follow the installation.