I was wondering if SO could help simplify some logic. I have a windows form (C# 2.0) which contains a System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip.
The code below seems to work but what would you do to make loadToolbars() more efficient/simpler?
This is the function I need help with:
void loadToolbars()
foreach(Toolbar t in getToolStripItems())
string[] toolPath = t.toolbar.Split(">".ToCharArray(),StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
ToolStripMenuItem root = null;
ToolStripItem[] foundItems;
* follow the path of each Toolbar item. If we find a dead-end,
* add the missing part
for(int i=0; i<toolPath.Length; i++)
if(root == null)
//Search the main menu strip (System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip)
foundItems = DA_Menu.Items.Find(toolPath[i],false);
//Continue searching were we left off
foundItems = root.DropDownItems.Find(toolPath[i],false);
foreach(ToolStripItem item in foundItems)
//Is this the Toolbar item I am looking for?
if(item.Text == toolPath[i])
if(item.OwnerItem != null && i>0)
if((item.OwnerItem.Text == toolPath[i-1])
&& (item.Text == toolPath[i]))
root = (ToolStripMenuItem)item;
root = (ToolStripMenuItem)item;
//We hit a dead-end. Add the missing path
if(root == null)
root = new ToolStripMenuItem(toolPath[i]);
root.Name = toolPath[i];
ToolStripMenuItem tsmi = new ToolStripMenuItem(toolPath[i]);
tsmi.Name = toolPath[i];
root = tsmi;
//Add the Toobar item to the path that was built above
t.Click +=new EventHandler(Toolbar_Click);
Everthing below, I am happy with but I am providing it to help others follow what I am doing.
This function is data driven but hard coded for the benefit of SO
private List<Toolbar> getToolStripItems()
List<Toolbar>toolbars = new List<Toolbar>();
Toolbar t = new Toolbar();
t.Text = "Calc";
t.path = "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe";
t.toolbar = "Tools>Microsoft>Math";
t = new Toolbar()
t.Text = "Calc2";
t.path = "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe";
t.toolbar = "Tools>Math>Microsoft";
return toolbars;
Custom class to help keep my click events simple
class Toolbar:ToolStripMenuItem
public string path;
public string toolbar;
public Toolbar()
* Set the name to the Text value
* so that it can be found in collection
* by key
base.Name = Text;
All Toolbar item Click events will be handled in this function
void Toolbar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Get the Toolbar item that was clicked
Toolbar t = (Toolbar)sender;
//Start new process
System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
p.StartInfo.FileName = t.path;
The problem is the form that your data is in. If you stick to that form I don't think there is much to do.
Otherwise change your data from a flat field structure like "Tools>Microsoft>Math" to something like a TreeList e.g. a Tools list including a Microsoft list including a Math list including your app entries. You could even build that structure in the database.
Then you can easily add the menu items recursively.