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How to change id or each field by using jQuery

i want the result must to be like,

<tr class="tr_cond"> 
<td><input type="button" class="tr_condition" value="+" name="add"></td>
<tr class="tr_cond" id="tablCond1"> 
<td id="tablCond1>BLA</td>
<td id="colCond1>BLA</td>
<td id="operCond1>BLA</td>
<td id="valCond1>BLA</td>
<td><input type="button" class="tr_condition" value="+" name="add"></td>
<tr class="tr_cond"> 
<td id="tablCond2>BLA</td>
<td id="colCond2>BLA</td>
<td id="operCond2>BLA</td>
<td id="valCond2>BLA</td>
<td><input type="button" class="tr_condition" value="+" name="add"></td>
<tr class="tr_cond"> 
<td id="tablCond3>BLA</td>
<td id="colCond3>BLA</td>
<td id="operlCond3>BLA</td>
<td id="valCond3>BLA</td>
<td><input type="button" class="tr_condition" value="+" name="add"></td>

And the jQuery is,

$(".tr_condition").live('click', CloneCondition);
var cloneCount = 1;
function CloneCondition(){
        .attr('id', 'tablCond'+ cloneCount++)

which is working to clone the row, but I want to change the id of those fields inside the row, but this only changes the id of the row.


  • To which field you want to add an ID ? to the input ?
    In the meanwhile:

    Use the .on() method for elements that are dynamically added to the document

    $("table").on('click', '.tr_condition', CloneCondition);
    var addIDs = ['tabl','col','oper','val'];
    var cloneCount = 0;
    function CloneCondition(){
        // after clone is done let's go for the last (new) one
        $('.tr_cond:last td').not(':last').each(function(i){
           $(this).attr('id', addIDs[i] +'Cond'+ cloneCount);

    which after a couple of clicks results in:

    <tr class="tr_cond"> 
        <td><input name="add" value="+" class="tr_condition" type="button"></td>
    <tr class="tr_cond"> 
        <td id="tablCond1">BLA</td>
        <td id="colCond1">BLA</td>
        <td id="operCond1">BLA</td>
        <td id="valCond1">BLA</td>
        <td><input name="add" value="+" class="tr_condition" type="button"></td>
    <tr class="tr_cond"> 
        <td id="tablCond2">BLA</td>
        <td id="colCond2">BLA</td>
        <td id="operCond2">BLA</td>
        <td id="valCond2">BLA</td>
        <td><input name="add" value="+" class="tr_condition" type="button"></td>