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Using XSD.exe for c# code gen, ignores empty nodes in XML?

Maybe I'm not doing this correctly. But I'm using MusicXML, along with XSD.exe to generate the C# classes against the DTD.

According to the documentation, along with a sample xml file, the <NOTE> element contains an empty <CHORD> element, if the <NOTE> is a part of a <CHORD>. The code generated looks like this:

[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("chord", typeof(empty))]

When I deserialize the XML into a c# object, it works great, but the <CHORD> seems to disappear. Does .NET just ignore the CHORD element in this sample XML?




  • Do you mean the chord element dissapears when you serialize to XML, as null elements don't serialize by default

    If you want to render it as an empty element like

    <chord />

    you can set use the isnullable property XML Serialization and null value - C#

    As linked in another question you might want to have a look at this article about the representation of null in XML Schema files: