so heres my predicament.
Currently using Yahoo API with PHP in order to use a 'Login with Yahoo' Function on my site.
I have managed to retrieve my entire profile. Trouble is, I can't directly display the primary email associated with the account.
If I use print_r($profile)
I get everything dumped from my profile. It looks like this (personal data removed):
stdClass Object ( [uri] =>*********/profile [guid] => ***** [birthdate] => / [created] => 2010-04-22T20:47:48Z [emails] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [handle] => ** [id] => 1 [type] => HOME ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [handle] => **** [id] => 2 [primary] => 1 [type] => HOME ) ) [familyName] => Surname [gender] => M [givenName] => Ricki [image] => stdClass Object ( [height] => 192 [imageUrl] => [size] => 192x192 [width] => 192 ) [lang] => en-US [memberSince] => 2010-04-08T11:22:56Z [nickname] => Ricki [profileUrl] =>*********** [updated] => 2013-03-03T18:12:22Z [isConnected] => )
Using $profile->emails->handle
yields nothing however. Any ideas on what to do? I can use $profile->emails
which returns an Array, displayed simply as 'Array' but if i try to select from the array i get an error:
"Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string"
will give you the first handle in the system.
You can also do foreach($profile->emails as $email) { print $email->handle; }