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What's the path to the document cursor?

I'm using System.Xml.XmlTextReader the forward-only reader. When debugging, at any time I can check the properties LineNumber and LinePosition to see the line number and column number of the cursor. Is there any way I can see any kind of "path" to the cursor with in the document?

For example, in the following HTML document, if the cursor were at *, then the path would be something like html/body/p. I'd find something like this really helpful.


Edit: I'd also like to be able to inspect XmlWriter similarly.


  • As far as I know you can't do that with a plain XmlTextReader; you may, however, extend it to provide this feature by way of a new Path property:

    public class XmlTextReaderWithPath : XmlTextReader
        private readonly Stack<string> _path = new Stack<string>();
        public string Path
            get { return String.Join("/", _path.Reverse()); }
        public XmlTextReaderWithPath(TextReader input)
            : base(input)
        // TODO: Implement the other constuctors as needed
        public override bool Read()
            if (base.Read())
                switch (NodeType)
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                        // TODO: Handle other types of nodes, if needed
                return true;
            return false;