Does anyone know what type providers are available on
For example, I know that a CsvFile type provider is available by referencing:
#r "Samples.Csv.dll"
Additionally, there are:
#r "Samples.Hadoop.TypeProviders.dll"
#r "Samples.DataStore.Freebase.dll"
But what others can be used? It would be cool if an XML or JSON type provider were available. I can't seem to find any documentation on what dll's can be referenced in a script on
Anyone have additional information on the matter?
The ones you have noticed are all part of the "learning" section of . The best way I've found to discover these is to look through the tutorials.
#r "Samples.Hadoop.TypeProviders.dll"
#r "Samples.DataStore.Freebase.dll"
#r "Samples.Csv.dll"
#r "System.Data.Services.Client"
#r "Samples.WindowsAzure.Marketplace"
#r "Samples.WorldBank.dll"
#r "Samples.Excel.WorksheetTable.dll"
A couple non-type providers (there might be ones I missed):
#r "MathNet.Numerics.dll"
#r "MathNet.Numerics.FSharp.dll"
open TryFSharp
Canvas.SetContent "<h1>Try F# interop</h1>Try F# interop rocks!"
Canvas.RunJavaScript "document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerHTML = 'New title!'"
let raphaelUndefined = Canvas.RunJavaScript "(typeof dojo === 'undefined')"
if raphaelUndefined :?> bool then
Canvas.LoadScript ""
(for this one please note Canvas.LoadScript
which allows you to load javascript)
Not a file that needs to be loaded, but there is also:
open Samples.Charting.DojoChart