I have a line of numbers, and I want to be able to process them one by one. For ex.
3829 4837 3729 2874 3827
I want to be able to get the sum, largest number, anything. But I'm not sure how to get each number to process it. I would REAAAAALLLLLLLLY like to stick with pure bash, I don't mind a convoluted solution in bash. But if awk is absolutely necessary I will use it. I don't want to use sed.
I think I could do something like:
max= cut -d" " -f1
in line L cut -d" " -f$(loop index)
#check for max
I'm confused.
Edit: Thanks for your answers, I've seen some new things I've never seen in bash and I'm ready to explore them more. I received the info I sought and even more! :)
If you want to process process numbers one by one, taking advantage of shell word splitting :
numbers="3829 4837 3729 2874 3827"
for n in $numbers; do
# do something with "$n"
numbers="3829 4837 3729 2874 3827"
echo $((${numbers// /+}))
numbers="3829 4837 3729 2874 3827"
for n in $numbers; do
echo $sum
numbers="3829 4837 3729 2874 3827"
for n in $numbers; do
((max<n)) && max=$n
echo $max
Alternatively, if you want a global SUM
with some shell tricks :
$ tr ' ' '+' <<< '3829 4837 3729 2874 3827' | bc
$ awk '{$1=$1; print}' OFS=+ <<< '3829 4837 3729 2874 3827' | bc
$ echo '3829 4837 3729 2874 3827' |
awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) c+=$i} {print c}'