Search code examples

SQL/Coldfusion - Get and Display Full Hierarchical Tree Listing

As an example I have a table like this:

folder_id | parent_folder_id | folder_name
1         | null             | Main
2         | null             | Departments
3         | null             | Archived
4         | 2                | IT
5         | 2                | Sales
6         | 4                | Error Logs
7         | 6                | 2012


I need to run a query (if multiple thats ok too) to be able to loop through and display them properly via Coldfusion.

I need it to display like this:

  • Main
  • Departments
    • IT
      • Error Logs
        • 2012
    • Sales
  • Archived

...etc... Going as deep as a user creates them.

I'm just having a hard time trying to understand the logic of how this is going to work. Thanks for any help!


  • For anyone looking for the answer, I took the code from Cody's link and made it work for me (since it wasn't working quite properly). Thanks Cody and Ciaran! Here it is:

    <cfquery name="get_folders" datasource="#application.dsn#">
        select folder_id, parent_folder_id, folder_name
        from folders
        order by folder_name
    <!--- Read all roots (no parent ID) --->
    <cfquery name="get_parent_folders" dbtype="query">
        select folder_id, folder_name
        from get_folders
        where parent_folder_id is null
    <ul class="tree">
        <cfloop query="get_parent_folders">
            <cfset processTreeNode(folderId=get_parent_folders.folderId, folderName=get_parent_folders.folder_name) />
    <cffunction name="processTreeNode" output="true">
        <cfargument name="folderId" type="numeric" />
        <cfargument name="folderName" type="string" />
        <!--- Check for any nodes that have *this* node as a parent --->
        <cfquery name="LOCAL.qFindChildren" dbtype="query">
            select folder_id, folder_name
            from get_folders
            where parent_folder_id = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.folderId#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />
            <cfif LOCAL.qFindChildren.recordcount>
                <!--- We have another list! --->
                    <!--- We have children, so process these first --->
                    <cfloop query="LOCAL.qFindChildren">
                        <!--- Recursively call function --->
                        <cfset processTreeNode(folderId=LOCAL.qFindChildren.folder_id, folderName=LOCAL.qFindChildren.folder_name) />