Here's my itch: I want to add emails to as todo items. I figured that part out. My next goal was to be able to select multiple emails and have create todos for each email selected. I figured that part out.
The problem: When I select an email that is part of a conversation ALL messages from that conversation are added as individual reminders/todos. This part may be confusing but I'll try to be as detailed as possible in describing how I'm selecting messages. In I'm selecting a message in the far right-side pane where all emails that part of the conversation are presented in a scrollable list. It's this area where I'm selecting a particular message. So even though I'm selecting one message from a conversation, all messages in that conversation are added to my AppleScript list variable and, subsequently, turned into reminders/todos.
If I turn off 'Organize by Conversation' in the problem goes away. I like the cleanliness of organizing my emails by conversation so if there's a scripting solution to this problem I'd prefer that route. However, I can't think of any way to fix this so I'm hoping someone here has some thoughts.
Here's my script:
property defaultList : "Parking Lot"
on newReminder(theBody, theTitle)
tell application "Reminders"
tell list defaultList
make new reminder with properties {body:theBody, name:theTitle}
end tell
end tell
end newReminder
tell application "Mail"
set selectedMessages to {}
set selectedMessages to selection
if (count of selectedMessages) is 0 then
return "Please select a message in and try again."
repeat with i from 1 to (count of selectedMessages)
tell item i of selectedMessages
set messageid to message id
set urlText to "message://" & "%3c" & messageid & "%3e"
set theSender to extract name from sender
set theSubject to subject
my newReminder((theSender & " " & urlText), theSubject)
end tell
end repeat
end if
end tell
The AppleScript property selection
for the Mail application appears to ignore whether a single message from a conversation is highlighted in the preview pane (the rightmost pane in OS X Lion's layout). The selection
is determined solely by which messages are selected in the message list (the middle pane). If you want to utilize selection
in your AppleScript for a single message of a conversation, you'll have to select the single message from the message list,
instead of the preview pane.