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Where is Index Agent Admin Console

I'd like to find out where can I access the Index Agent Admin Console in EMC Documentum.

I've being looking at a number of posts online, none of them explains exactly how I can access it. One of the posts suggested:

1. Login to Index Agent Admin console through http://localhost:(index agent port     no.)/IndexAgent(no.)/login.jsp

I have no idea what is the index agent port no. they talking about and how I can find it.

Can anyone help me on this?


  • It depends, the port number is set by the user when the Index Agent is installed. It also depends on if you are talking about FAST or xPlore.

    I believe the default port is 9081 for the FAST index agents using your url above.

    For xPlore, the default configuration url is http://<HOST_NAME>:9200/IndexAgent.

    You may want to take a look here if that doesn't help you: