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How should login screen appear on start of application IOS

I am making a new application there i have 5 tabs in it, its a user based application so i have to get the credentials of users login and passwords .

I am using storyboards with Arc , since its a Tabbed application so my initial view controller is my tab view controller , I wish to add a login screen also (probably as Modal View or an).

I am not able to think the perfect way to add a login screen in the tabbed application .

Should i call it from app delegate or in view will appear or some of these methods . I tried some of the code but ended up with warning like unbalanced call etc.

Need your valuable suggestions :)

Thanks in advance !!!


  • Just two options (of course there are more):

    1. Use one UIViewController as rootViewController in the beginning of your App. Once the login is successful it will switch the window's rootViewController.
    2. Put the UITabBarController as rootViewController, on viewWillAppear, check if the login has been made, if not, just show the Login's UIViewController