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How to determine if a file is contained by path with Boost Filesystem Library v3?

How can I determine if file is contained by path with boost filesystem v3.

I saw that there is a lesser or greater operator but this seems to be only lexical. The best way I saw was the following:

  • Take the two absolute paths of the file and the path
  • Remove the last part of the file and see if it equals the path (if it does it's contained)

Is there any better way to do this?


  • The following function should determine whether a file name lies somewhere within the given directory, either as a direct child or in some subdirectory.

    bool path_contains_file(path dir, path file)
      // If dir ends with "/" and isn't the root directory, then the final
      // component returned by iterators will include "." and will interfere
      // with the std::equal check below, so we strip it before proceeding.
      if (dir.filename() == ".")
      // We're also not interested in the file's name.
      // If dir has more components than file, then file can't possibly
      // reside in dir.
      auto dir_len = std::distance(dir.begin(), dir.end());
      auto file_len = std::distance(file.begin(), file.end());
      if (dir_len > file_len)
        return false;
      // This stops checking when it reaches dir.end(), so it's OK if file
      // has more directory components afterward. They won't be checked.
      return std::equal(dir.begin(), dir.end(), file.begin());

    If you just want to check whether the directory is the immediate parent of the file, then use this instead:

    bool path_directly_contains_file(path dir, path file)
      if (dir.filename() == ".")
      return dir == file;

    You may also be interested in the discussion about what "the same" means with regard to operator== for paths.