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How to parse XML using XSLT?

I have an XML with data as follows


To get the value 111 in Item3

  <xsl:value-of select="Item1/Item2/Item3"/>

In XSLT . Now I need to get the following:

    <Product3 ValidYN="Y" ProducType="ABC">333</Product3>
    <Product3 ValidYN="Y" ProducType="DEF">444</Product3>
    <Product3 ValidYN="Y" ProducType="GHI">555</Product3>

I need to take values 333 , 444 , 555 based on ProducType.How to do the same using XSLT


  • To select a node based on values in relation to it, you can use XPaths like this:

    /Product1/Product2/Product3[@ValidYN = 'Y' and @ProductType = 'ABC']
    /Product1/Product2/Product3[@ValidYN = 'Y' and @ProductType = 'DEF']
    /Product1/Product2/Product3[@ValidYN = 'Y' and @ProductType = 'GHI']

    the parts in [square brackets] are called "predicates."