I need the command for working the Url using CherryPy and Python version 2.7.3
I want to change the url.
Old Url is
and automatically adding foo=1&foo=2
(variable s) in the Url
import cherrypy
import urllib
class Root(object):
def index(self):
jsondict = [('foo', '1'), ('foo', '2')]
s = urllib.urlencode(jsondict)
print s
return "Hello"
'global': {
'server.socketPort': 8080
There is a solution?
Using the suggestion's Andrew with
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("localhost:8080?" + params).
This is working but this is for redirect.
This I am not interested but write on new url using the redirect.
I don't want the redirect but I working always on this url, adding the Query String without redirect.
It is possible?
What about just a simple redirect?
import cherrypy
class Root(object):
def index(self):
urlVar = 1
urlVar2 = 2
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("localhost:8080?foo=" + str(urlVar) + "&fooo=" + str(urlVar2))
'global': {
'server.socketPort': 8080