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IBrokers Historical Index Data

How do I get historical data of an INDEX into R from Interactive Brokers? If it were futures, I would use this command (as suggested here IBrokers request Historical Futures Contract Data?):

a <- reqHistoricalData(tws, getContract("ESJUN2013"))

But the corresponding commanding with the connid of the S&P Index gives an error:

> a <- reqHistoricalData(tws, getContract("11004968"))
Connected with clientId 110.
Contract details request complete. Disconnected.
waiting for TWS reply on ES ....failed.
Warning message:
In errorHandler(con, verbose, OK = c(165, 300, 366, 2104, 2106,  :
  Error validating request:-'uc' : cause - HMDS Expired Contract Violation:contract can not expire.

P.S. Someone with enough points should create a tag for IBrokers


  • I don't have market data access to index data, but I think following should work.

    reqHistoricalData(tws, twsIndex(symbol = "SPX", exch = "CBOE"))
    ## waiting for TWS reply on SPX ....failed.
    ## NULL
    ## Warning message:
    ## In errorHandler(con, verbose, OK = c(165, 300, 366, 2104, 2106,  :
    ##  Historical Market Data Service error message:No market data permissions for CBOE IND

    Following is result of reqContractDetails using similar approach as above which proves that the contract object is created properly by twsIndex

    reqContractDetails(tws, twsIndex(symbol = "SPX", exch = "CBOE"))
    ## [[1]]
    ## List of 18
    ##  $ version       : chr "8"
    ##  $ contract      :List of 16
    ##   ..$ conId          : chr "416904"
    ##   ..$ symbol         : chr "SPX"
    ##   ..$ sectype        : chr "IND"
    ##   ..$ exch           : chr "CBOE"
    ##   ..$ primary        : chr ""
    ##   ..$ expiry         : chr ""
    ##   ..$ strike         : chr "0"
    ##   ..$ currency       : chr "USD"
    ##   ..$ right          : chr ""
    ##   ..$ local          : chr "SPX"
    ##   ..$ multiplier     : chr ""
    ##   ..$ combo_legs_desc: chr ""
    ##   ..$ comboleg       : chr ""
    ##   ..$ include_expired: chr ""
    ##   ..$ secIdType      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ secId          : chr ""
    ##   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "twsContract"
    ##  $ marketName    : chr "SPX"
    ##  $ tradingClass  : chr "SPX"
    ##  $ conId         : chr "416904"
    ##  $ minTick       : chr "0.01"
    ##  $ orderTypes    : chr [1:22] "ACTIVETIM" "ADJUST" "ALERT" "ALLOC" ...
    ##  $ validExchanges: chr "CBOE"
    ##  $ priceMagnifier: chr "1"
    ##  $ underConId    : chr "0"
    ##  $ longName      : chr "S&P 500 Stock Index"
    ##  $ contractMonth : chr ""
    ##  $ industry      : chr "Indices"
    ##  $ category      : chr "Broad Range Equity Index"
    ##  $ subcategory   : chr "*"
    ##  $ timeZoneId    : chr "CST"
    ##  $ tradingHours  : chr "20130321:0830-1500;20130322:0830-1500"
    ##  $ liquidHours   : chr "20130321:0830-1500;20130322:0830-1500"