Instead of using an ActionLayout to replace the ActionBar when pressed a MenuItem. I want that ActionLayout to overlap on the ActionBar.
Since most of the applications use this behavior I thought its the standard SearchView widget.
And since my application is for API 10 and more, i couldn't use SearchView, hence used latest ActionBarSherlock library(4.2.0), where Jake added SearchView.
The problem is, even here its like replacing the initial menu items with the ActionViewClass.
The reason i want the ActionLayout to overlap but not replace the ActionBar is, I need to have 3 MenuItems in the ActionBar and if i keep all of them as
they are even visible when ActionLayout is shown, which gives little width for the ActionLayout
if i am using
the last icon is missing. Only 2 icons are visible.
Thank You
If you are having physical menu button (e.g. Nexus S) in your device then the dot line will not show. When you press the Menu button it’ll show up.
You may use something as this Use android:showAsAction="never"
to force an action item into the overflow.