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Crop multiple images one at a time with JCrop and session in php

I have an image crop script that crops one image at a time using the Jquery Jcrop plugin. now I want to upload more images and crop them one by one using a for loop.

What is the best way to do this?

I set my input field to multiple so it could upload more than one.


I've editted my code below with a $max and count. and I think I'm doing it wrong. how can I fix it so when I click crop, it crops them after each-other.

This is my uploaded.php:

         $max = count($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
         for($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++){
            $target = $_FILES['file'][$i];

         $target = "data/uploads/"; 
         $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['filename']['name']) ; 
         $_SESSION['target_path'] = $target;

         if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'], $target)) 
             echo "De afbeelding *". basename( $_FILES['filename']['name']). "* is geupload naar de map 'uploads'";
             echo "Sorry, er is een probleem met het uploaden van de afbeelding.";



  • You need to check a few things

    1) To upload files, read: - specifically input name="userfile[]" in HTML and files on server show up as $_FILES['userfile']['name'][0],...,$_FILES['userfile']['name'][N]

    2) move_uploaded_file() is a security check to ensure files are valid, dont leave home without it :-)

    3) I'd recommend imagemagick library (, I know, Jcrop demo uses GD library but worth your time looking at imagemagick.

    4) Lastly if all fails, use print_r($variable) to ensure the files are getting into your server.

    5) Sometimes it could be system admin issue like unwritable /tmp folder, disk full, upload size limit in php.ini and web server built-in timeout. Checking phpinfo() helps too