Today my Apps metadata was rejected from Apple, this is what they say:
We have begun the review of your app but aren't able to continue because we can't locate the In App Purchase within your app.
At your earliest opportunity, please reply to this message providing the steps for locating the In App Purchase in your app.
While your iTunes Connect Application State is displayed as Rejected, it is not necessary to upload a new binary. Once you reply to this message, we can proceed with your review.
I am not able to understand, how cant they find my In App Purchase, because this is the same App, Apple rejected because I did not include the "Restore" button in my In App Purchase.
Now they say: "Cant find In App Purchase".. ? :O
What exactly could be the problem here ? They have asked me to reply to them, I dont understand what to say to them.
Also, do i have to submit the new MetaData.. ?
If you have implement InApp purchase then you have submit all in AppPurchase .To find inApp purchase:
iTunesConnect -> Manage Your Apps -> Select App -> Manage In App purchases.
if inApp purchase are not submitted then please submit it.