Search code examples

mysql group_concat inside while

I have this passenger table date:

enter image description here

Which means that in Reservation 000004, there are two itineraries which are Itinerary 0000010 (AAC Hangar - Anvaya Cove) and 0000011 (Anvaya Cove - AAC Hangar), and in every itinerary, there are two passengers (0000007 (taiga) and 0000011 riyuuji are passengers of 0000010 AAC Hangar - Anvaya Cove while0000008 minoriand0000012 amiare passengers of0000011 Anvaya Cove - AAC Hangar).

I'm trying to concat them using group_concat but I can do only like this:

    $a=mysql_query("select group_concat(pass_name separator ', ') as 'pass' from passengers where reservno = '0000004' order by id asc") or die(mysql_error());

with result: taiga, minori, riyuuji, ami.

But I want it to look like this: taiga, riyuuji / minori, ami

Is this possible using group_concat? I know this will involve while statements but as of now I still can't get the desired output. Please help.


  • You need to use GROUP BY clause

    select group_concat(pass_name separator ', ') as 'pass' 
    from passengers 
    where reservno = '0000004' 
    GROUP BY reservno, id
    order by id asc

    UPDATE 1

    SELECT  group_concat(`pass` separator ' / ') `pass` 
    FROM    ( 
                select group_concat(pass_name separator ', ') as 'pass' 
                from passengers 
                where reservno = '0000004' 
                GROUP BY reservno, id order by id asc 
            ) s