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SO_BINDTODEVICE Failing for virtual interface

I am trying to run PTPDV2 (precision timing protocol) server which binds on interface for setting up multicasting.

I have a following virtual interface

eth1:0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:50:A0:42:BD  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          Base address:0xa000

Now, I don't have any issues binding to a normal interface, but for any virtual interface I get a failure.

 (ptpd debug1)   09:28:12.995509  (init)  netInit
 (ptpd debug1)   09:28:12.996254  (init)  Local IP address used : 
 (ptpd error)    09:28:12.997099  (init)  failed to call SO_BINDTODEVICE on the interface (strerror: No such device)

I need some pointers to overcome this issue. Any help here is appreciated.


  • I found a workaround to this problem. But it may not be the perfect solution. I am still open for suggestions.

    I observed that socket bind is successful, so the socket does get the IP address of eth1:0 . But SO_BINDTODEVICE was failing since this was a virtual interface.

    So i decided to call SO_BINDTODEVICE on the real interface that is eth1, since both eth1:0 and eth1 share same MAC.

    Which this, i am no longer blocked as the responses are typically unicast for me. But this may not work perfectly if some one wants multicast support on receiving too.

    Open for suggestion