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Scala actors - worst practices?

I feel a bit insecure about using actors in Scala. I have read documentation about how to do stuff, but I guess I would also need some DON'T rules in order to feel free to use them. I think I am afraid that I will use them in a wrong way, and I will not even notice it.

Can you think of something, that, if applied, would result in breaking the benefits that Scala actors bring, or even erroneous results?


    • Avoid !? wherever possible. You will get a locked system!

    • Always send a message from an Actor-subsystem thread. If this means creating a transient Actor via the method then so be it:

      case ButtonClicked(src) => { controller ! SaveTrade(trdFld.text) }

    • Add an "any other message" handler to your actor's reactions. Otherwise it is impossible to figure out if you are sending a message to the wrong actor:

      case other => log.warning(this + " has received unexpected message " + other

    • Don't use for your primary actors, sublcass Actor instead. The reason for this is that it is only by subclassing that you can provide a sensible toString method. Again, debugging actors is very difficult if your logs are littered with statements like:

      12:03 [INFO] Sending RequestTrades(2009-10-12) to scala.actors.Actor$anonfun$1

    • Document the actors in your system, explicitly stating what messages they will receive and precisely how they should calculate the response. Using actors results in the conversion of a standard procedure (normally encapsulated within a method) to become logic spread across multiple actor's reactions. It is easy to get lost without good documentation.

    • Always make sure you can communicate with your actor outside of its react loop to find its state. For example, I always declare a method to be invoked via an MBean which looks like the following code snippet. It can otherwise be very difficult to tell if your actor is running, has shut down, has a large queue of messages etc.


    def reportState = {
      val _this = this
      synchronized {
        val msg = "%s Received request to report state with %d items in mailbox".format(
                       _this, mailboxSize)
      } { _this ! ReportState }
    • Link your actors together and use trapExit = true - otherwise they can fail silently meaning your program is not doing what you think it is and will probably go out of memory as messages remain in the actor's mailbox.

    • I think that some other interesting choices around design-decisions to be made using actors have been highlighted here and here