since few days I'm trying to build a basic webRTC Videochat. I've got some Demos running localy, even via LAN. But now I want to build one by my one at the really basics without so much overload some Demos come with.
But I still don't get a complete peer connection.
Eg. this example seems to be broken, because I can't "createSignalingChannel();"
Some other examples ( want me to link their scripts, but I wont do this, because I want to understand the magic of the peer connection and how to get a handshake between 2 browsers.
I also explored examples with the Google App Engine but thats not what I want.
I want to run it in really easy JS and HTML just on the minimum of what is neccessary.
Here is my code: EDIT: Should work now
So what will I have to add to get an handshake and peer connection, so that I can send eg. the mediaStream to eachother.
Thanks a lot!
is only pseudo-code to illustrate the existence of a separate channel. You need for the initial connection handling a separate message channel.
You can achieve that with hosted services like Pusher, Brightcontext or PubNub, or you can host your own backend with open-source projects like or SignalR.
Then you just need to send the offers, answers and iceCandidates through your separate channel.
List of Realtime Services: